Monday, May 11, 2009

GHS prom 2009 | Arizona Portrait Photographer

Prom was this weekend for Gilbert High, a few girls asked me to come take pictures at the high school stadium, i couldnt say no! It was VERY hot and everyone did great, we had to play the quite game a few times, but regardless.. we got some cute pictures for them to cherish for years down the road, thanks girls (and guys)! I hope you enjoyed your very last prom! Enjoy!
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Jaime and her date
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kaile and jace

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this is Sam, Mitchells cousin :)

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the men!

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showin some leg!

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how cute is kelsey! These two wanted a picture of the backs of there dresses.. and this is what kelsey does when i tell them to strike a pose! haha! love it! (not to mention she looks smokin and was throwing up sick the night before, whata trooper!)

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just the girlies!

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just the shoes & toes!

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the whole gang!


Kelsey and derek!

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kayla & her date!

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walking down the track, go tigers!

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Did i mention how much fun I had? I love all these people & can't believe they all are graduating in TWO weeks!

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